I'm an Author. Say what?!
Never have I been great with words...on paper. My friends joke that on a given day my girlfriend and I have so many words we need to "get out" before the day is done. So we chat ALL. THE. TIME. It's great! I love it and wouldn't change it for the world. BUT - putting words on paper (or even this blog) make my palms sweat and my stomach churn. SO - when I was given the opportunity to contribute to a book with other authors, I wasn't so sure it would be the right fit for me. With some encouragement from the hubby - the words made it to paper...and now in print. I feel that this may be the tip of the iceberg of something amazing - something that allows me to share more and share often. Excited for what's to come - but thrilled with What Matters Most right now. To learn more: http://amzn.to/2zjZcyN